5 tips to manage your team effectively

Vinayak Navalgund
4 min readJul 10, 2020

Let’s say you started your career in the field of Sales/Marketing as an intern where you performed well and showed your seniors that you are capable of handling the job. After a few months, you are promoted to a new position where you get an opportunity to work in a team.

Because of your hard work and dedication, you outperformed yourself every day in your workspace. Slowly you became an important part of your team because of your spectacular work ethics. After a few years, striving hard in your company, you were finally promoted to a managerial position. We know that nothing can compare to that feeling when you are genuinely appreciated for your work in front of the entire office staff.

But with higher position comes greater responsibilities. Now you have to showcase your skills plus you have to run a great team. To be honest the role of a manager is not always smooth and easy. Earlier you were accountable for tasks assigned to you but now you are responsible for the whole team.

So the question is what it takes to be an effective manager?

Below we have discussed 5 tips on how to manage your team efficiently!!

So without wasting much time let’s get started.

Tip 1: Choose the right team

To be a successful manager it’s very important to choose the right people for your team. Know your crew members personally so that you know what their strengths and weaknesses are. People tend to perform better when they are assigned with tasks they are already comfortable with. Therefore systematically assign responsibilities to the right set of people to get the job done.

Tip 2: Set daily goals for your team

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into visible. If you assign individual goals for your team then there is clarity on the responsibility and common ground for your team members to thrive together and flourish in the workspace. It will also increase their productivity making their work more efficient. Clarity of role and responsibility is a big motivating factor, whereas if you avoid this practice it will give rise to confusion among team members that can disrupt the pace of their potency.

Tip 3: Address the issues efficiently

Conflicts and disagreements are part of a healthy competitive work environment. But if you avoid addressing situations like these in your office it can significantly disturb the work atmosphere. You need to step in like a leader and mend the disunity among your fellow team members and keep them in good spirits.

Just remember “Unity is strength, when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.”

Tip 4: Effective communication

Maintaining healthy communication with your team members is the key to manage your team effectively. It’s difficult to do your work and manage many people in your company at the same time. To make things relatively simpler you can use software such as slack, Fiverr, asana and etc. With the help of this alternative software, you can create a group, assign tasks individually to anyone, check their work status and lot more. Making communication easier and effective is the key.

Tip 5: Motivate & encourage your team members

Investing quality time in your team members will make them feel important and motivated. Appreciate people who have performed marvellously by giving them gifts, and publicly reward them with praises. Doing so will encourage them to work more passionately and sincerely. Give your team members a regular dose of motivation by organising group meetings and events. Set your example in front of them and encourage them with examples to follow in the footsteps of great entrepreneurs.

Last but not least “Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.”

Thank you and have a great day!!

